Sunday, August 31, 2008

MySQL database dump

How to take MySQL database dump:

mysqldump -hhostname-uusername -ppassword schemaname tablename (contents will be printed on the console)

mysqldump -hhostname -uusername -ppassword schemaname tablename> filename (contents will be written on file)

hostname: name of the host. If the db is on your local system, then this might not be needed

schemaname: name of the schema which you want to back up

tablename: name of the table which you want to back up

filename: name of the file which will hold the dump. You can specify the location of the file too. Eg. C:\sql\testsqldump.sql. If 'sql' directory doesn't exist and error will be generated.

eg. mysqldump -uroot -padmin userinfo_schema USER_TABLE > D:\sql\userinfo.sql

If you don't provide the tablename, then the dump of whole schema will be taken.

To take dump of all the schema
mysqldump -uroot -padmin --all-databases > filename

To populate the MySQL database:

mysql -uusername -ppassword schemaname < filename
filename: name of the file that contains the mysqldump

eg. mysql -uroot -padmin userinfo_schema < D:\sql\userinfo.sql

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