Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Fake Mail

One can send mails using JAVA Mail API. It is fairly simple to use this library to send mails.

First download the JAVA Mail API, and add mail.jar to your classpath
Then download, JAF API, and add activation.jar to your classpath

Following is the simple code:

Java Class:
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Date;
import javax.mail.*;
import javax.mail.internet.*;

class TestMail
public static void main(String args[])
//from address
String from = "";

//receipents of the mail
String to = "";

*If there are multiple
*recepients, then email ids
*should be stored in a String
*with a space in between them.
*eg: String to = ""

//subject of the mail
String subject = "Test Mail Subject";

//e-mail content
String text = "This is a test email";

/*SMTP host
*SMTP host should be correct
*for this program to work.
*Also, some SMTP servers
*are configured to allow
*messages to be sent from
*one or a few doamins
String mailhost = "";

String mailer = "testmailer";

Properties props = System.getProperties();

props.put("", mailhost);

Session session = Session.getInstance(props, null);

//construct the message
Message msg = new MimeMessage(session);
msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));
InternetAddress.parse(to, false));
msg.setHeader("X-Mailer", mailer);
msg.setSentDate(new Date());

//send the mail

System.out.println("\nMail was sent successfully.");
catch(Exception e)

When full headers are viewed by the recepeint for a mail sent by this program, it mite have an indication that there is something fishy about how the mail was sent !!

Happy Spamming !!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

JavaScript NULL

For JavaScript:

If you want to test whether a String object is NULL , then the following may FAIL

if(someString == "")

if(someString == "null")

The CORRECT way to test would be:

if(someString == null)


Monday, December 3, 2007

Post HTML codes in blogs

If you post articles with html tags on blogspot, it will most probably give an error message as:

"Your HTML cannot be accepted: Tag is not allowed: "

The way to get around this is to convert all the mark-ups (eg: '<' , '>') into character-entities (eg: '&lt;' for '<' ; '&gt;' for '>')

One can use online applications that perform this conversion stuff:

If formatting has to be retained, then just enclose the code inside '<pre>' and '</pre>' tags.

Web Browser Compatibility !!!!

Developing on a web application is not easy if you intend to have the product compatible with all the available browsers in the universe for some new browser or its clone comes to life everyday.

This article is about how can one know which browser is being used by the end-user and how one can customize the code in accordance the same, be it IE or Mozilla Firefox or Safari or blah blah blaaaaaaaaaaaah !!!

The end-user browser can be determined by using navigator.appname

The following code illustrates the same:

<script type="text/javascript">
function navigatorName()

<body onload="navigatorName()">
<div id="browserContents">

When the page gets loaded, the onload feature will call the javascript function navigatorName() which will display the alert box with the name of the browser as the message.

Now, inside the function navigatorName, we can write the logic that would make our code browser specific

<script type="text/javascript">
function navigatorName()
if(navigator.appName == "Netscape")
document.getElementById("browserContents").innerHTML = "Netscape";
else if(navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")
document.getElementById("browserContents").innerHTML = "MS IE";
document.getElementById("browserContents").innerHTML = "Some Browser";

<body onload="navigatorName()">
<div id="browserContents">
loading . . .

Here, when the body part of the page has been loaded, the browser calls the function navigatorName(). This function checks the browser being used, and in accordance to that, replaces the contents of the div with id browserContents appropriate contents by making use of the function document.getElementById("browserContents").innerHTML.

Sunday, December 2, 2007


I had a project work in which I needed to port an existing web-application running on MySQL toDerby. The SQL and datatypes of both are fairly same with minor variations (like syntax for triggers), though Derby does NOT support a few features like 'limit'.


If you are using embedded derby, remember, only ONE connection can be made to the database at a time. If applications running on different JVM's try to access the same database resource at the same time, then except the first one, none will be able to get access. So, go for Network server, if you have any such requirements.


Username & Password

While creating the derby database, if username and password were not specified, and the application you are using requires one, then use the following if it doesn't accept blank/null fields

username: app
password: app


Derby Network Server (for Windows)

and type "startNetworkServer.bat"

This will start the server and by default it will listen on port 1527


In my machine Derby is installed in
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation

So, value of the DERBY_INSTALL variable is "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\db-derby-"

So, the command "cd %DERBY_INSTALL%\frameworks\NetworkServer\bin"
opens up the following:
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\db-derby-\frameworks\Net

Now entering "startNetworkServer.bat" starts the server on port 1527

Remember, your derby database files must be located in the
"C:\> cd %DERBY_INSTALL%\frameworks\NetworkServer\bin" directory,
if you are run the server following the aforesaid.

From the program through which you wish access the database, give the following path of the database as:


where 'dbname' is the name of the database.

If the database is located in some other folder, say D:/dbfolder, then modify the above as follows:


